Leap’s Radical Care Experiment

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Blog (By Ann Marie Utratel) In the realm of philanthropy and activism, a transformative experiment is underway, aiming to redefine the essence of care in the pursuit of systemic change. Spearheaded by the Leap collective, the Radical Care Experiment seeks not only to challenge but to revolutionize traditional funding practices and the frontline work of systems transformation. At the heart of this initiative lies the concept of radical intersectional care, a deliberate effort to mainstream the transversal integration of care within philanthropic practice. The goal is to facilitate…

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Our role in the Ecosystem

In the past two consultation calls, we received clear feedback about us not having completely figured out how we fit in the ecosystem of existing participatory grantmakers and how we would really add to the field instead of competing with some of them for already scarce resources.  While all of us had their reasons and ideas about what LEAP would add to the field of philanthropy and participatory grantmaking (PG) more specifically, at the time of our first call with activists and social entrepreneurs, we did not articulate…

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