Flaviano Bianchini

Founder and Director Source International
#HumanRights, #EnvironmentalJustice, #Activism

Source International: I am the founder and director of Source International, an organization that defend human rights of local people against misbehavior of extractive industries.

  • Payment. As of August 2021, Source International is paying for my time in LEAP.
  • Expectations. The goal of Source International is that LEAP will help the philanthropic industry to become more oriented to the long goal of the systemic change and less on the short run of “easy results”.
  • Credit/Disclosure. LEAP can mention Source International as a co-initiator if they think that that is helpful, but Source International does not expect this to happen.
  • Perspective. With LEAP, I want to help the philanthropic industry to be more oriented on the long term system change. I hope LEAP can help philanthropist to understand that we have to focus on the long term shange of the society instead of focusing on the short term easy goals.
  • Legitimacy and accountability. I believe that being grounded in this network provides both legitimacy and accountability for my contributions to LEAP.