
Romy Krämer

Managing Director Guerrilla Foundation
#Activism, #Philanthropy, #Municipalism

Guerrilla Foundation: Since its founding in Sept. 2016, I have been leading the Guerrilla Foundation as its Managing Director. Guerrilla supports activists and social movements in Europe with grants between 2,000-20,000 EUR. We directly support participatory grantmakers like FundAction and have a participatory decision-making process within the foundation, we also work with wealth owners and widely share our approach to philanthropy. More about our funding and activities can be found on our website and annual reports where we publish all our grants. 

  • Compensation. I receive a full-time salary from the Guerrilla Foundation.
  • Expectations. The Guerrilla Foundation shares LEAP’s analysis of the philanthropic sector and the needs for participatory approaches to funding systemic alternatives. We want to contribute to more radical experimentation and learning in philanthropy and hope to increase the amount of money going to participatory philanthropy with a social justice and systems change orientation.
  • Credit/Disclosure. Guerrilla Foundation will mention my involvement with LEAP in its annual report as part of its commitment to transparency.
  • Perspective. With LEAP, I hope to contribute to a community of activists, systems entrepreneurs and donors that generates ideas for and funds radical philanthropic experiments. I want to contribute to a shift in philanthropy towards addressing root causes and focusing on past and present systemic injustices. In addition to my work at Guerrilla, LEAP is another way in which I hope to do that.
  • Potential conflicts of interest: donors. There may be cases where potential donors to LEAP could also support the Guerrilla Foundation. However, the core budget of the Guerrilla Foundation (including my own salary) is assured via its main donor Antonis Schwarz. This allows me to freely support donations to LEAP and other organisations that are in line with LEAP’s values of systems change and participation.
  • Potential conflict of interest: pre-existing relationships. At Guerrilla we support movements and activists who I will also bring to LEAP as participants and possible recipients of funding. I might therefore perpetuate any selection bias we might have at the Guerrilla Foundation and/or disadvantage groups we do not yet have a relationship with. However, I hope that the diversity of the LEAP community and Facilitation Group, as well as the participatory nature of funding decisions will provide insurance against this. 


Berlin Municipalist Platform: I am a volunteer member in a group of Berlin-based activists. We see radical municipalism as a way to connect different groups that are already working for a more equal and liveable city today. Ultimately, we want to exert more influence on city politics and the administration.

  • Formal connection. My work at LEAP is not tied in any formal way to my involvement with the platform.
  • Legitimacy and accountability. Being part of the platform is a constant reminder of the many reasons why I am working for a different way of doing philanthropy.
  • Potential conflicts of interest: pre-existing relationships. The platform itself might become a participant or candidate for funding at LEAP. I will make sure to flag my involvement and will remove myself from any decision-making process if that is the case.   


EDGE Funders Alliance: I am an elected member of the European Steering Group of EDGE which organises funders to increase resources for communities and movements working towards systemic change.  

  • I don’t receive compensation for this work.
  • Perspective. EDGE shares LEAP’s analysis of the philanthropic sector and the needs for participatory approaches to funding systemic alternatives. They therefore may share common ground, but there is no actual or envisioned collaboration between the entities.
  • Potential conflicts of interest: pre-existing relationships to activists and movements (as above).


Humboldt Viadrina Governance Platform: I have been a member of the Advisory Board of the HVGP since March 2021. The platform focuses on participation and transparency (also two cornerstones of LEAP) in order to strengthen democratic decision-making and contribute to addressing societal challenges. 

  • I don’t receive compensation for this position.
  • Formal connection. My work at LEAP is not tied in any formal way to my involvement with the platform.
  • Potential conflict of interest: none known to me.


Join Politics: I am a Fellow at Join Politics which is a funder for political talents in Germany. As a Fellow, I support and advise Join Politics grantees with my experience.  

  • I don’t receive compensation for this position.
  • Formal connection. My work at LEAP is not tied in any formal way to my involvement with the platform.
  • Potential conflict of interest: none known to me.
  • Payment. As of August 2021, Source International is paying for my time in LEAP.
  • Expectations. The goal of Source International is that LEAP will help the philanthropic industry to become more oriented to the long goal of the systemic change and less on the short run of “easy results”.
  • Credit/Disclosure. LEAP can mention Source International as a co-initiator if they think that that is helpful, but Source International does not expect this to happen.
  • Perspective. With LEAP, I want to help the philanthropic industry to be more oriented on the long term system change. I hope LEAP can help philanthropist to understand that we have to focus on the long term shange of the society instead of focusing on the short term easy goals.
  • Legitimacy and accountability. I believe that being grounded in this network provides both legitimacy and accountability for my contributions to LEAP.