Teku loves life, our planet and surfing in particular. He descends from the Ämmitauer and the Aymara at the feet of the Alps and the Andes. He has been initiated as a ‘Sariri’, Aymara for “the one who walks”, a millennial old sacred role serving the preservation and diffusion of our ancestral wisdom tradition. In this role, together with partners from across the world, he is exploring how to co-create the social technology needed for personal, collective and systems transformation (uncertainfutures.cc), how to follow the lead of indigenous peoples in permanently protecting and regenerating 35 million hectares of Amazonian rainforest (sacredheadwaters.org), how to centre BIPOC communities’ experiences in the discourse around “decolonising” philanthropy (waix.substack.com) and how to translate ancestral wisdom traditions to the “modern world” (caminantesdelosandes.org).